No. Article Author Issue PDF
2 Dalmatian Backcross Project Mary-Lynn Jensen. PhD Past, Present and Future
5 Inheritance of Uric Acid Production Mary-Lynn Jensen, PhD
3 Dalmatian Urate Stone Forming Irvin B. Krukenkamp M.D
Problem, An Independent Review
of it's Science
7 Backcross Project: Robert H. Schaible, PhD
Long Standing Issues
4 An Overview of The Backcross Project James E. Seltzer , PhD
Part 1
6 An Overview of The Backcross Project James E. Seltzer , PhD
Part 2
9 DCA Ultrasound Study 2005/2006 Susanne Hughes, DVM
Cynthia Wilson, PhD
1 Ramblings Joanne Nash
The Backcross Project
10 Did You Know That? Irvin B Krukenkamp MD
Description: A very informative and concise review of Dr Schaible's efforts and the opportunity for our breed.
Description: An independent scientific review of Dalmatian Stone Disease and related issues.
Description: A brief genetics primer on the inheritance of the uric acid gene.
Description: Part 1 of a detailed two part scientific overview of the low uric acid project.
Description: Part 2 of a detailed two part scientific overview of the low uric acid project.
Description: Dr. Schaible's perspective on long standing issues.
Description: A report on the Ultrasound Study results conducted as part of the Health Clinics at the 2005/2006 National.
Description: An explanation of the terminology "genetically fixed defect".
11 The Bottom Line on LUA Dals Irvin B Krukenkamp MD
8 Inaugural Betty Garvin Memorial Lecture Irvin B Krukenkamp MD
& Study Seminars 2007 DCA National
Description: A brief summary of the inaugural Betty garvin seminars at the 2007 DCA National Specialty.
Description: An excellent overview that begs the question: What has changed in 17 years?
Description: A compendium of basic LUA pedigree and background facts.
Description: A recommendation from the California Veternary Medical Assoc. to the AKC to register the LUA Dalmatians.
12 Letter to the AKC regarding registration
of the LUA Dalmatians
Description: A report from the AKC Canine Health & Welfare Advisory Commitee regarding registration of the LUA Dalmatians.
13 The AKC Canine Health & Welfare
The AKC Canine
Advisory Committee Report Health & Welfare
Advisory Committee
14 The AKC Health & Welfare

Advisory Panel Report
The AKC Health & Welfare Advisory Panel
Description: Molecular Genetic Analysis of Backcross Dalmatians Compared to AKC Dalmatians, UK
Dalmatians, Pointers, and Other Breeds
AKC Health and Welfare Advisory Panel Report
TO REGISTER OR NOT REGISTER: That is the question (LUA Dalmatian Facts and Fiction) by Irvin Krukenkamp, M.D
The Backcross project by Denise Powell